

A September Weekend Retreat

The Shamanic Path of Awakening

September 1-3

Wild Trails Farm, Springfield, VT

Registration Deadline August 11
Space is limited, Register early!

Additional Shamanic Offerings

Cathy offers a variety of workshops, classes, ceremonies and travel adventures.


These are venues for people to join together in discovery, healing, and celebration of the Earth, each other and themselves. Her day-long and weekend workshops explore different topics such as ancestral healing, chakra activation, shamanic journeying, energy healing, spiritual ecology, power animals and deep ecology. Many of her workshops are experiential and have an outdoor component to allow people to connect with the wisdom and healing power of Earth. Cathy also gives evening presentations, teaches a series of classes in shamanism and healing, and conducts sweat lodge ceremonies and rites of passage. Some of her offerings are listed here, she is also willing to customize and design workshops for particular groups.

Day-long Workshops


Shamanic Journeying – A Pathway to Wisdom And Power
Exploring the Light Body
Energy Healing
Animal Allies
AnimalSpirit Yoga
Woman Who Walk With the Animals
Into the Heart of Nature
Council of All Beings
Earth Sisters Rising: A Gathering of Women Who Love The Earth For Empowerment and Renewal
Harvesting the Gifts of the Ancestors
Weekend Workshops
Shamanic Celebration!
Reconnecting With Tribe, Earth and Life!
Soul Wisdom, Earth Wisdom
Finding Our Power in Challenging Times
Shamanism: Ancient Wisdom To Heal Our Modern World
Healing Self, Healing Earth
Animal Allies
Energy Healing
Weekend Retreat for Earth Lovers




Sweat Lodge Ceremony
Fire Ceremony
Vision Quest
Equinox and Solstice Ceremonies
Rites of Passage


Classes (some select topics)


What Is Shamanism
Calling Forth the Powers of the Directions
Shamanic Journeying
Power Animal Retrieval
Seeking Our Sixth Sense
Medicine Bundles
Exploring Our Light Bodies
Past Life Healing
Dream Circle


Travel To Sacred Sites


Into The Heart of the Desert – A Healing Adventure in the Southwest
Into The Heart of the Rainforest – A Costa Rican Adventure



“During both day-long and weekend retreats, led by Cathy, I have reclaimed a part of myself that was lost, and have been given insights into both past and present relationships. With Cathy shepherding us through our individual journeys, I have experienced truly wondrous visions and have concretized my understanding of my life’s purpose. She has healed me in ways I could not have foreseen, and brought me to a deepened spirituality.”


V. B., Certified Professional Life Coach



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