First Tuesday Journey Circle

Journey With Ostara

April 2

6:30 to 8:30 pm

Amherst, MA

Spring is here! And with it comes the promise of new life, fertility, rebirth and cleansing. Rabbit is a symbol of fertility and is also associated with the moon and lunar cycles. Rabbit is willing to take a leap and keep steady pace to achieve their goal. Some cultures assign the attribute of fear to rabbit, who teaches the lesson of embracing and not resisting fear. Rabbit is associated with Ostara, the pagan goddess of Spring and rebirth. Come journey with Rabbit and Ostara for Spring Cleansing and Rejuvenation!

We will Journey this evening, calling in Rabbit and Ostara and the energies of Spring for cleansing and rebirth. We will begin with a chakra clearing and meditation, possibly do some group drumming, and then be guided in a drum journey. 


Come join us for an Uplifting, Rejuvenating and Cleansing Evening!
All are welcome!

Pre-registration and Prepayment are required. If I don’t receive 3 registration/payments by March 31, the Circle will be cancelled.


Fee: $35-60 sliding scale. Venmo @cathy-pedevillano or PayPal using

What to Bring: Bring drums or rattles if you have them, bandana or scarf to cover your eyes, mat or blanket if you want to lie down (floor is carpeted), water bottle, journal.

Location: 447 West Street, Amherst, MA, 2nd Floor




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