

Cathy Pedevillano, LMHC, MA, MS

Shamanism and Psychotherapy


We are living in unprecedented times which call for greater strength and resilience, wider perspectives, deep rootedness into our Center, and the cultivation of connection, belonging, worth and purpose.

          The ancient wisdom practices of shamanism can heal the soul and spirit, and when combined with therapeutic modalities that work with mind, emotions, parts of self and body, provide a potent vessel for deep healing and transformation.


"I was in no way prepared for just how much of an impact an hour and a half with Cathy would have on my entire being. Upon leaving her office, I felt physically, mentally and spiritually like a completely new person."


Professor of Social Work

Facilitating Growth & Transformation

Through her healing work, trainings, and workshops, Cathy Pedevillano assists people in waking up to the truth of who they are and reclaiming their power. Cathy is committed to sharing the teachings and practices of shamanism and innovative therapeutic modalities to help bring balance and healing to the world.

First Tuesday Journey Circle

Journey With Ostara

April 2

6:30 to 8:30 pm

Amherst, MA

Come enjoy this Spring Journey of Rebirth and Renewal!


Pre-registration Required




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